The other type of activity your child may be set is a worksheet.
Worksheets are part of our Booster Packs. The Booster Packs are collections of resources with a particular aim, such as brushing up on times tables, preparing for SATs, or revising for GCSEs and A Level exams.
Primary MyMaths users can see any worksheets set in their My Portal area.

They can then click on Try worksheet? to open the task.

Primary users can also find additional worksheets to try in the Resources tab under Boosters. They can then click on To Do to try out additional tasks that haven’t been set by their teacher.

Secondary MyMaths users can also find any worksheets set in their My Portal area. They can start a worksheet by clicking on the Worksheet button. This will open up the task straight away.

Students can also find additional worksheets to try in both the main MyMaths library or under Revision and Assessment in their My Portal area.
Each Booster worksheet contains 4 pages of questions that allow children to check their knowledge in a particular area.