First log in to the Teacher Dashboard and go to the Allocation tab.

Use the tick boxes to select the class or classes to which you would like to assign a task and click Set Task.

Use the window that appears to confirm the details of the task you would like to set.
- Use the Task section to select a task from our lesson library and booster packs.
- Use the Student section to select or deselect students you would like to allocate this task to. Here you can see if a student has previously completed a piece of work and, if so, how well they scored and how many attempts they have had.
- Use the Date section to set a deadline for the homework task.
- Finally, you may use the optional Message section to leave a message or additional instructions for your students.
When you have completed each section, hit Set task to complete.
Please note that when you set a homework task to your students, they will automatically also see the lesson that accompanies the homework task. Students can use this lesson to check their understanding before they complete the homework task. They can also access the lesson if they get stuck during the homework task. Secondary students can also access support videos embedded into some homework activities – please scroll down for further information.
You can see all of the tasks a class has been set class by clicking on the class name within the Allocation tab. You can also see how many students have attempted the task, and leave feedback.

If needed, you can click on a listed task and use the provided window to edit which students have been allocated a task, the start/due dates, and the optional message.
Watch our video walkthrough for a step-by-step guide.
Please note that the Teacher Dashboard was previously called the Assessment Manager, and that some of our YouTube videos still use the term Assessment Manager. Thank you for bearing with us as we work to update our support materials.